Shredding Services

Shredding Services

Never compromise your confidentiality in a world where identity theft and cybercrime are increasingly
common find apt disposal of documents and files with Storage Plus

Storage Plus Shredding Services

We understand the value of privacy and confidentiality, so it’s a no-compromise policy with Storage Plus. With our shredding services, we bring you the best solutions to dispose-off your private documents. We understand that a minute lacking on our end can cause you a fortune, so it’s a 100% accuracy in shredding each bit to an incomprehensible and unusable extent.

Shredding services at Storage Plus are an extension of our service portfolio. With this, we seek to deliver sheer anonymity to our clients who entrust us with the storage of their business documents. Details of our shredding process and the various services which we offer to help you with the disposal of the papers are mentioned ahead.

What do you get with Storage Plus Shredding Services?

A 100% diligence in delivering shredding services to save you from potential information and data compromise

Shredding services at Storage Plus are a whole new experience of maintaining privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity is 100% at all levels of the process.

How does it work?

A precision-guided plastic and paper shredder is fed with your documents, files, and other essential papers. Once fed, they leave the shredder in bits and strips, which can neither be deciphered nor decoded to identify you, your client, or any available detail from them.

What’s the process?

To ensure security, our storage area for keeping the documents to be shredded is inaccessible once the boxes containing the files are entered into it. We at Storage plus have an automated feeding process so that mistaken identity compromise is abstained from at all times. The storage is maintained inside a secured facility, and the shredding is carried-out within the same facility – this ensures minimal transport and chances of file loss.

Our shredding services are carried with ultimate discreetness, and you are informed once it’s completed. We provide you a view of the impeccable incomprehensiveness of bits that are left of the files which you have entrusted us to shred. The process is ended with your consent, where you may send the strips and bits to a recycler yourself, or we may do it on your behalf.